Why Riven is Much Stronger Now Riven has been a popular pick among laners because of the rune, Unsealed Spellbook. The rune allows Riven to capitalize on her all-in combo because it reduced the cooldown of summoner spells by 25%, which is huge. Not only did it provide a cooldown, it allowed champions to swap out one summoner spell for another. Needless to say, Unsealed Spellbook definitely made Riven a scarier champion to play against. ROX Tigers vs. Kingzone DragonX In a LCK game between ROX and Kingzone, Kingzone’s top laner Kim “Khan” Dong-ha locked in Riven against the opposing top…
Author: Kai Wong
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Zoe Still Strong Despite Receiving Patch Updates Zoe has been a popular champion upon her release. Many players were playing her each game because of her skill set and the damage she put out. Just by landing her E ability, Sleepy Trouble Bubble, on an enemy champion almost always sealed their fate. Many players complained about her E ability, stating the travel range was too far. Riot Games listened to the outcries of the community and have toned down the distance of her E ability can travel. Despite having her E ability reworked, Zoe’s damage is still high with her…