An Inside Look at the Super Bowl’s Most Straightforward Prop Bet

Despite the massive list of player, team and game props that are a staple of the Super Bowl, one of the most sought-after Super Bowl wagers every year really has nothing to do with football at all. The coin flip was, believe it or not, the most bet on prop item overall for last year’s Super Bowl. This year, it once again sits right atop the charts, but what exactly spawns such intrigue?

Is it the desire to have a bet decided before the game kicks off? Perhaps it is the lure of betting the ultimate 50/50 odds? Or maybe bettors take action on the coin toss because it is simple and easy to understand. Whatever the reason, read on for some fast facts and tidbits before you officially call HEADS or TAILS on the most lucrative coin flip of the year!

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Super Bowl Coin Toss Betting Odds

All Super Bowl LIV odds and bets can be found on MyBookie Sportsbook.

Coin Toss: HEADS (-101) | TAILS (-101)
Team to Win Coin Toss: 49ers (-101) | Chiefs (-101)
Will the Winner of Coin Toss Win Super Bowl LIV: YES (-115) | NO (-115)
Team/Player Calling Coin Toss Will Make: CORRECT CALL (-115) | WRONG CALL (-115)


Super Bowl Coin Toss History

The first 53 editions of the Super Bowl coin toss have been nearly 50-50 in terms of results. TAILS holds a slight advantage, coming up 28 times, while the coin has landed HEADS for the other 25 times. On a more recent level, TAILS has come up in five of the last six Super Bowls. Prior to the recent run of TAILS momentum, HEADS claimed six out of seven flips. The very first Super Bowl coin toss came up HEADS, while last year’s Super Bowl LIII was a TAILS. 


Team-Specific Coin Toss History

When it comes to the team that wins the Super Bowl coin toss, they haven’t been guaranteed to fair as well in the game itself. In the first 53 Super Bowls, the team that has won the coin toss has won the actual game 24 times (45.2% win percentage). Of those 24 winners, the resulting coin flip has been split dead even, with 12 landing HEADS and 12 TAILS. Let’s look at the prior coin toss history for the 49ers and Chiefs, specifically, ahead of their Super Bowl LIV matchup.


49ers Coin Toss History

Sunday marks the seventh Super Bowl that the San Francisco 49ers franchise will have played in. Interestingly, the 49ers first three Super Bowl appearances had a coin flip that landed TAILS, while the latter three have all been HEADS, resulting in a 3-3 split. Only once out of their five victorious Super Bowls did the 49ers lose the coin toss. In their lone Super Bowl defeat, coming against the Baltimore Ravens in Super Bowl XLVII, the Niners lost the coin toss.


Chiefs Coin Toss History

This will be the third Super Bowl appearance for the Kansas City Chiefs and first since Super Bowl IV. The result of that flip was a TAILS, while the aforementioned Super Bowl I coin flip came up HEADS. In both instances, the Chiefs lost both the coin toss and the game.


Not a 50/50 Proposition?

Disputes and decisions are settled by the flip of a coin worldwide thanks to the complete lack of an advantage to either side of the coin. However, one study conducted by Persi Diaconis, a mathematics and statistics professor at Stanford University, offers that there might be the slightest of advantages to gain in determining the result of a coin flip. The study findings suggest that the odds are actually closer to 51/49, tilted in favor of whichever side of the coin was facing up as it was thrown into the air. Given the ceremonial coin that will be created specifically for the Super Bowl, one would have to figure HEADS will likely be facing skyward when the coin is actually flipped. Do with this info what you will!



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Henry’s passion for sports dates all the way back to childhood and has ultimately led to a full-fledged career as an analyst and content creator. After getting his start penning fantasy football articles, he forrayed into the betting side of the business in early 2019. His love for sports and statistics proved to be an ideal match with the dedicated research and strategy that handicapping requires. Henry currently specializes in betting analysis and picks for college football, college basketball and NASCAR. He counts the NFL, the WNBA, and NBA player props as additional leagues/markets of interest. Henry graduated from SUNY Buffalo in 2021 with a Communication Studies degree and a Psychology minor. A native of the Finger Lakes region in Upstate New York, he and his pup, Harold, have since relocated to Laramie, Wyoming. Thanks to his professional goals within the sports betting industry, there has been a whole lot of steam on the odds for a move to Las Vegas in 2023! Most of Henry’s free time is spent on outdoor adventures, playing chess, snowboarding, or reading a good book. He is also a competitive powerlifter and aspires to qualify for the USAPL Nationals meet within the next 2-3 years.

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