After months of sports media organizations telling everyone how Aaron Rodgers feels, the MVP took the podium to share his thoughts Wednesday. Following practice at Green Bay Packers training camp, Rodgers answered questions for over 30 minutes. Possibly the most insightful clip came when he was asked what all of this drama has been about this offseason.

The full Aaron Rodgers press conference can be viewed here.

Aaron Rodgers Speaks at Packers Training Camp

Validating all of the reports from FlurrySports, our Packers podcast Lombardi Sweep and myself throughout this entire summer, Rodgers expanded for over five minutes about what this conflict has been about. Of course, there was more in the full press conference, so I invite you to watch the full thing.

It’s clear Aaron Rodgers is not looking for more money. He is not a drama queen or some victim. Rather, he would like to be respected. He also would like other high-character veteran players, who have put been their bodies on the line for the organization, to receive the same. For those asking what Rodgers really got out of this dispute, I believe the biggest thing was to show how the organization treats their players. Rodgers also wanted to “inspire” change in this aspect, so other players, even his replacement Jordan Love, could hopefully be treated better in the future.

There is much more to take away from this press conference. However, unlike most of sports media, I am not going to tell you what to take away from it. Again, watch the full thing here. It is the first time this summer Rodgers is truly speaking for himself, and I hope most understand THIS is how he feels.


I am a simple Wisconsin man: I love beer and sports. I decided to create FlurrySports because I was sick of the politics and non-stories that the fat cat corporations put out. When you see football articles from me, just know that I combine my knowledge from playing, coaching, athletic training, and sports management/economic courses to give you a unique, but I feel well-rounded point of view. I am always down to talk about anything, so follow me on Twitter @FantasyFlurry if you decide you want more of me!

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