The official start of UFC Strike Series 1 took place today, with the first pack drop. Of course, we had a couple of drops during Series 0, but we should consider this as the official kickoff!

Below, we have our UFC Strike Series 1 premium pack opening of two packs. Notable pulls included Conor McGregor, Colby Covington and Bryce Mitchell. With a standard pack drop also today, we may be back with more moments!

Watch below, please give us a like and a subscribe, and let us know what your best pull was if you got your hands on a UFC Strike pack today!

UFC Strike Series 1 Pack Opening Pulls

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I am a simple Wisconsin man: I love beer and sports. I decided to create FlurrySports because I was sick of the politics and non-stories that the fat cat corporations put out. When you see football articles from me, just know that I combine my knowledge from playing, coaching, athletic training, and sports management/economic courses to give you a unique, but I feel well-rounded point of view. I am always down to talk about anything, so follow me on Twitter @FantasyFlurry if you decide you want more of me!

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