Riot Games & Champion Lore

Champion lore has always been a big part of League of Legends. Writers at Riot Games have done a great job at detailing every champion and their background into the game. However, ever since the game was released, Riot Games has continuously updated and sometimes changed a champion’s lore. More recently, Riot Games has been changing champion lore in order to give it a modernistic feeling. Riot Games started off by altering Varus’ lore and including an incredible music video to depict the story.

For those who haven’t checked out the video, you can see it here.

Updating Annie’s Lore

The most recent update that Riot Games did for a champion was for Annie. Annie’s new lore is very emotional and really draws attention to her magical power and her bear, Tibbers. Annie’s stuffed bear is very important to her and if anyone tries to take it away from her, something bad will always happen. This is what causes Annie to have a terrible relationship with her stepmother, which is made worse when Annie’s sister, Daisy, dies.

The entire video is an emotional rollercoaster. There are times where the viewer will get angry and times where the viewer will get sad. Riot Games definitely did a great job at reworking Annie’s story and hopefully we can expect more incredible cinematics in the future.

For a behind the scenes look at Annie’s origin story, you can check it out here.

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