It’s time we get back to sports! We start with Zach giving his opinion/review of the first episode of the Browns’ Hard Knocks (5:16). Then, Zach and Jake discuss the latest NFL news, with much of it coming from Packers camp (15:02). Near the end of the show, Jake snaps and is calling YOU out Bills Mafia!


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More Episodes!

Ep. 32: Family Feud and the Newlywed Game

Ep. 31: What the NFL Should Steal From the WWE

Ep. 30: NFL Fantasy News and Patriotic Music


I am a simple Wisconsin man: I love beer and sports. I decided to create FlurrySports because I was sick of the politics and non-stories that the fat cat corporations put out. When you see football articles from me, just know that I combine my knowledge from playing, coaching, athletic training, and sports management/economic courses to give you a unique, but I feel well-rounded point of view. I am always down to talk about anything, so follow me on Twitter @FantasyFlurry if you decide you want more of me!

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