Titus O’Neil finally makes an official statement regarding his views on Hulk Hogan’s reinstatement to the WWE Hall of Fame. Before his official statement, he subtly accused Hulk Hogan’s apology and speech as not genuine. He made an Instagram post with a bible verse on the first half of its caption and a shot to an unnamed person on the second half. The second half of the caption said the unnamed person was not making a genuine effort to makes things right. With Hulk Hogan’s apology recently before Titus’ post, we can safely assume that the unnamed person is Hulk Hogan.


The Clarification

Titus, known for his outspoken personality, posted a tweet with the caption “My TRUTH!!” in it alongside his official statement. In his official statement, he addressed the situation for his attitude on “Extreme Rules” as false and inaccurate. He also stated that he never shook Hogan’s hand, as he was never interacted one-on-one with Hogan that necessitated them to shake hands.

“In addition, let it be known that I did not refuse to shake Mr. Bollea’s hand; we did not have any type of one-on-one interaction whatsoever that would or did necessitate any exchange between us individually.”


Still Not Convinced

Titus next talked about how he is a firm believer of second and third chances for an individual that shows genuine remorse. However, he also said that he did not feel any contrition from Hogan’s speech and apology. Titus pointed out that Hogan “didn’t know that he was being recorded” as not remorse for the hateful utterance he made. But professionally, he said that Hogan is entitled to reinstated back to the Hall of Fame. Titus added that Hogan was and is a role model, hero and icon to countless people. Titus also hoped that Hogan’s missteps in communicating to the WWE talent in Pittsburgh are not repeated to his fans.

“Unfortunately, I must echo the sentiment and dissatisfaction expressed by many of my fellow contemporaries concerning Mr. Bollea’s apology and its lack of true contrition, remorse and a desire to change.”

“I hope that Mr. Bollea’s missteps in communicating to the WWE talent in Pittsburgh are not repeated to his fans and I expect that he shall pursue an agenda that clearly communicates to all third parties that his language was inappropriate, wrong and should not be tolerated in a civilized and inclusive society.”


Positive Ending

Titus ended his statement by talking about his work. He only have a single focus in life; to be a role model for his children and young blacks boys and girls. He also agreed with his co-workers, The New Day to continue to use his work to positively affect, entertain, embrace, celebrate and love people from all backgrounds both inside and outside of the WWE Universe.

“I hope this clears up any confusion. I, like New Day, will continue to use my platform to positively affect, entertain, embrace, celebrate and love people from all backgrounds both inside and outside of the WWE Universe.”

Titus’s full statement:

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Dota 2 Player, Amateur Caster, Esport Enthusiast, Wrestling fanatic. I'm that guy that sits in the corner of the class thinking about video games. DM me on twitter or discord if you want to nerd out with me!

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