An extremely energetic, high-speed game, ice hockey is among the most entertaining sports ever. Tracing its origins in Montreal, Canada, and with fans across Europe, ice hockey is loved immensely in North America. 

However, this fun, action-packed sport comes with its own set of risks, making it imperative to buy excellent safety equipment.

So, besides buying the best hockey skates and jerseys, what is the other essential gear hockey enthusiasts should invest in? These are indeed among the must-haves. But there are several other crucial pieces of equipment you need to buy before you can step into an ice hockey rink.

Credit: LM Otero/AP Photo

Essential Ice Hockey Gear

For newbies, the following comprehensive list of appropriate hockey gear can give a push toward the right direction.


While a helmet is a must for every hockey player, it is especially crucial for amateurs. That’s because when you are still learning, you will inevitably fall. So, wearing a robust helmet can protect you from severe head injuries. 

Also, another fundamental thing to consider when buying a helmet is whether to get one with a cage and visor. For novices, it is advisable to buy a helmet with these features as they can protect the eyes, nose, and other facial features during falls or puck hits.


It is critical to invest in a good hockey stick at the very beginning of your lessons, as this is the stick you will learn to play with. You need not buy a costly one initially, but make sure it is of good quality. You can also consider a sturdy wooden stick as it is apt for practice.


Buy the best hockey skates as this is among the most important ice hockey gear. Keep in mind that adult feet don’t grow anymore, so it is vital to get a pair of skates that fit well. Also, remember to get skates that can last for a considerable amount of time.

If you buy cheap or ill-fitting ones, you may have to replace them a lot earlier than expected. That’s because they tend to be bendy and, therefore, a potential risk to your safety as they may cause you to fall often. Low-quality skates will also hamper your skating abilities.


Although optional, it is still advisable to invest in mouth guards. Even Olympic ice hockey players wear them to effectively protect their teeth, tongues, and gums against bad falls or puck disasters. Just ensure to keep them clean and ready for use.

Elbow, shin, and shoulder pads

While shoulder pads are optional, it is a must to buy elbow and shin pads. Elbow pads can help protect you during falls and help you get back up in a faster and steadier way. The area where the shin pads meet your skates must be a bit wide, or the puck hits could hurt badly.

Neck guard and socks

A neck guard can protect you from the powerful impact of skate blades or a puck on the jugular. Similarly, hockey socks not only keep your legs warm but also keep the shin pads in place.

Besides the gear listed above, you can also invest in other essential accessories such as hockey pants, gloves, bags, practice jerseys, etc.

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